So, the title of this blog was inspired by a song 'Tell Your Heart To Beat Again' by Danny Gokey (I hope am not overstepping copyright here). So, I listened to this song today and yes, it spoke to me and a thought came to mind, how many people go through moments in life where all seems lost... well, I thought, everybody.
There's one thing that affects everyone at some point in their lives, and that's the loss of a loved one. Even God lost His Son, I bet not many of you think of it that way...and even if it was just for three days, God and Son were separated for a time though the difference here is that it was necessary that Jesus die so that we can live.

But, we carry on don't we? This doesn't stop us from living does it? This doesn't change the fact that we're still alive, even if they're not. So, your next question might be, why dedicate an entire blog to talk about brokenness? And I will answer simply, why not? Jesus told us to spread the gospel around the world right? But when someone is broken, it truly is very hard to get them to believe that a loving God can take away a loved we need to help each other remember why God is a good God even when it seems He isn't.
Maybe this blog is for you, any one of you who has lost someone dear and you've never been able to get back to that place where you were before... am not promising that everything I am going to say will ultimately heal you, but I sure want to try. Maybe if I talk about my own experience, it can help you. So that's where we will start, and maybe then, your heart can beat again. :)
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