Sunday 29 May 2016

Hope Alone

Hope. What do we know about this word? What does it mean to you? Is it something you need? Does it help you get up everyday and trust that everything will be okay? Can we at all function without hope? Is it a belief, a trust or faith? Did you know that you can't have hope without faith? Does that surprise you? Well, enough with all the "21 questions", instead let me attempt to answer if but one, what is hope?

In Hebrews 1:11, faith is described as confidence for what we hope for and assurance of what we do not see. Isn't that interesting? Let me try to break this down a little. So by having confidence in things we hope for, we have faith. Faith is also described as an assurance of things we do not see. So, according to this verse, to have faith we must have hope. And so, what does hope look like? Let me try and explain it with everyday experiences. 

At night when we sleep, many of us don't think it but we anticipate that we will wake up to a new fresh day, right? We anticipate that when we get out of bed we will walk and function as normally. But, most times, we don't think of these actions as anything more than normal. However, what if one day we wake up and we can no longer use our bodies to function normally? Wouldn't this change our perspective about the "hope"? Wouldn't we now hope that we could one day be able to walk again? So wouldn't that need a much bigger ounce of hope than what we had before? So what changes? The quantity?

Let me bring this closer home. Something or rather someone we're all familiar with; Noah. We all know his story. We know that he trusted that when God said build an ark the rain will come, he did not doubt, just obeyed and had faith. What did he hope for? Was it that the rain would not come? Or did he hope that the rain would come but he and his family would be safe in the ark... Do we usually hope that bad things don't happen to us? Or like Noah, do we hope that when the bad things do happen, that God is with us? Don't we still hope that He has a plan for us? Isn't that what faith is?

One more story. About a woman this time. A woman who held on to hope despite the trials she went through. Her name was Hannah. She was barren, so she prayed to God to give her a son. It did not matter that she was being mocked and ridiculed, she still held on to the hope that one day she would have a child. So, because she possessed such hope, she made an oath to God that she would give up her son to the service of the Lord. And when the Lord granted her desire, she did not falter on her promise but did as she had said and gave him up for God's service. Can you imagine such faith?! Here she was giving up the one thing she had asked of the Lord day and night. Let's think of it within our own context. Would you be willing to give up to God the one thing you cherish more than anything? No. I didn't think so. So what's the difference? Do we not have enough faith? 

I say it's only one word, willingness. That's the difference between the faith of Abraham and that of Jesus disciples. Abraham did not know everything he needed to know about God to take that step and leave his home. He only did one thing, he willingly obeyed. And why? Because he had hope that God had a plan for him and his family. On the other hand, Jesus disciples had walked with him, seen miracles He did and still they did not believe He was who He said He was. They were not willing to just believe and have faith. Suppose that's what having faith is all about? The willingness to believe even when all evidence shows different. But what promise do we have? God made a promise that He is with us unto the ends of the earth, so we can have hope that even when things go south, God will give us enough grace to sustain us through it.

Friday 20 May 2016

The Waging War

So I've had one of those know where you wake up and you know you're going to achieve much then, somehow you don't. And then somewhere down the middle I caught a cold and well, you know how that goes. Anyway, I always look forward to Fridays now, because right about 4 pm I stop to first do what I love and pen down my thoughts and then I start to enjoy the Sabbath rest. :)

In the midst of this underachieved week, however, I had a great time (and still am) reading one of Jodi Picoult's greatest work of fiction; Nineteen Minutes. Now I can't say I have a particular writer I adore but Jodi comes close. The minute I saw the cover of this book, I was hooked. So I went on to read the synopsis and I was double hooked. Now if you know Jodi's work, you know she has a knack for writing on highly controversial topics, and this is no different. The thing I appreciate most about a writer is when they don't hold back but give you an honest raw writing that you're left wanting more and that definitely describes the work she put into this book. So enough on the free marketing and let me tell you what this book is about (the much I've read). I promise, am going to relate it with something I've been meaning to talk about.

Nineteen Minutes is a sad story, let me first say; it gives a new meaning to the word tragedy. It's a story you can be familiar with that has happened a couple of times in real life; I even shared a similar story in one of my posts. In this story, we're introduced to Peter Houghton, your average nerd teenager who seems to have had life rough as it is with years of endless bullying. So he wakes up, one day and decides to "end his misery". Instead he goes to school and shoots down his fellow schoolmates injuring many and killing 10 souls. Yes, as it seems, he was a young man on a revenge mission. You might wonder though how a mere 17 year old could become a monster in literally 19 minutes? Well in fact, the monster in him had been there, it only just got out once the "right" conditions were met. So you can imagine the agony of those parents who lost their kids. How their life had changed in just a matter of minutes. Though if you think of it this way, it took approximately 17 years for these "right" conditions to all come together but only 19 minutes for everything to change forever. And you know the most interesting thing, when he was asked why he did it, he said, the intended target was himself, the others just got in the way.

This took me back to something a friend and I were taking about on good and evil. You see, every one of us is born with sin in us, right? So basically, in us is the ability to be good as well as evil. The only difference is we decide to be good right? So what happens if we stop trying to be good, do we end up like Peter there? Not necessarily. However, everyday we face the decision to do the right thing, and you may say its because we each have a moral compass that guides us on good paths. So you find that even if someone does not believe in God, they can for example, be a good neighbor. However, here comes the tricky bit, who put that good in there? Ha! Did I just crash the evolution theory with one sentence??!! Anyway, am not here to prove or disprove anything, but just to make an observation. And an important one. And that's that we have the ability to choose good instead of evil. It is a war on the soul if you come to think about it, a war that has been going on for ages and will still go on for a very long time, but we can rest assured we don't fight it alone, but that Jesus is fighting it with us and for us.

So back to the book... Peter of course was arrested and charged with ten counts of first degree murder as well as nineteen other counts of attempted first degree murder. Hence began a court trial where the rule of law would determine his fate. You know how they say you're innocent until proven guilty? What if this wasn't the case and you were always assumed guilty until your innocence was proved or disproved? Or what if once you were arrested you were charged and immediately jailed without a court hearing? Wouldn't this be the greatest of injustices? Wouldn't this be overlooking the right that everyone has to receive a fair and just judgment? Let's think of this actually, is it a right or privilege to receive fair judgement? Do we earn this right or are we given this right because we are under the rule of law? I say we don't earn it but we are given this right, and it is given to us because we cannot by any way earn it.

The reality is...we are an erring people. We are a guilty bunch. Maybe we have not sinned to the extent of taking a life but we fall short everyday. Can you imagine if we did not have a God who was willing to give us a fair and just trial even if we were clearly guilty. Hasn't this kinda made you see the truth about God's judgment and His love? He isn't an 'evil' God set to judge us and throw us in hell but quite the opposite actually, He is the most loving God. We just need to see it from His perspective once in a while. Because in His eyes, you are not guilty, you are just a lost sheep in need of a Shepherd. He just sees the you He wants you to be. So for as long as it takes, He will wage this war on evil until good eventually prevails. :)

Friday 13 May 2016

Living on Lists

Who here makes lists? Anybody? Well, I do. I make lists about many things. Things I've achieved, things I want to achieve, daily to-do lists, books I've read, movies I've watched, shopping lists...this list goes on and on. Maybe you're thinking you don't do this but you know, there's always a first time. And you know what makes me so so happy....when I make a list and get to tick off things from it. Or when I list out things I've done during the week... these are my accomplishments...and you know, they make me feel good about myself. And most of all, they remind me about how God has been with me through every step. If you know me, I have a mantra I go by, and that's "One Day At A Time" this can just be the same with lists,"One List At A Time." 

So, this week I was looking up things to do to make you happy (yes I google such things lol). Anyway, I found a great list! There are just those days when you're doing an assignment and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere, those are the times I just go online and do things like look up lists or quotes or stuff. And you know, sometimes you just have to find what makes you happy, because as this blog is about brokenness, we are everyday struck down by something we either did wrong, or something didn't go as we had we need or rather " I "need to make lists to remind myself how far I've come. So, this happiness list had a few things on them I liked, and I decided I'll add some more on there. So here is a list of 25 things to do that can make you happy or basically get you through a rough day, or any day:

1. Change your sheets: this gives you a very fluffy feeling of freshness and personally, I usually sleep better. So try this... even you gentlemen!
2. Smell something lovely: No this is not girly! Whether its a flower, fragrance or even a scented candle.
3. Get out in the sun: this is the best way to get you some much needed vitamin D and just smile at God's brilliance hehee...see what I did there :)
4. Find a moment of awe: I suggest you do this often. Look around will find something amazing...a child's laughter, God's awesome creation... 
5. Gratitude: just sit back whether its during the middle of the day, beginning or end of it and give thanks for what you will find how good it makes you feel.
6. Do something for someone else: whoever has ever given someone else a gift or just done something nice for someone can attest to how good it feels, its way better than doing something for yourself.
7. Take pictures: And no not a selfie! Take a picture of something other than yourself...of nature or something around you. You will thank me later.
8. Call someone: And not just for the sake of someone you haven't spoken to for a while or even someone you constantly chat with..just to ask how they are doing.. you will make someone else's day way more than if you texted.
9. Learn a new skill: Apparently there is a lot of online skill lessons so sign up for one...anything, you'd probably find it. The feeling of accomplishment is great.
10. Have chocolate: there's no better mood booster than chocolate! So look past the guilt, and do it!
11. Do something you loved to do as a child: now this you might have to do away with the embarrassing feelings and just do it..maybe you liked to eat food with your hands, or eat a lollipop or gum while making the pop sound or even better, watch a won't regret it.
12.  Add a burst of color: this is something that works all the time. Maybe you can buy a colorful painting or mug or colored socks or for the ladies, do your nails multi-colored! 
13. Take a walk: An evening walk is all you may need after a long day...small pleasures like the wind on your face...will definitely keep you smiling.
14. Get rid of things you don't need: As a self-proclaimed hoarder...things are just things that can be burnt in a fire...and when you think of it that way, you will be throwing stuff away a.s.a.p.
15. Take a nap: if you have the chance to do this, do it! It's the best...
16. Treat yourself: Again, forget the yourself that thing you've been eyeing, eat in a restaurant you've always wanted to, go watch that movie. Basically, take time off for yourself.
17. Talk to God: Now this doesn't mean do a usual prayer...just talk, like hold a conversation with Him. Maybe you can try my thing and go on your for me, and I always feel like am the most important person and God just stopped everything to listen. :)  
(Disclaimer: this is the most important thing you can ever do, and not the 17th...there is no order in doing this list..just pick one and do it)
18. Read an enriching book: And I specifically say this because sometimes we need enrichment in life, and the Grisham books won't do this for you (just an example, I think Grisham is great). Find a book that adds meaning to your life...something like the book I shared last week.
19. Listen to your favorite song: now my favorite might not be yours, but find that song you've been humming to all day or can't remember the lyrics to and just listen. You'd probably go on to listen to the entire playlist, doesn't will love that feeling.
20. Write: this is obviously not everyone's gift but if you can, just write something can be a blog like me or a journal, diary or poetry. Just think of something, and write it down. You will probably, like me, feel very good about putting your thoughts to paper.
21. Watch your favorite anything: it can be a comedy, a YouTube video, a short play, movie or even sports channel..just watch works for me. 
22. Sing your heart out: I think everyone can do certainly helps if you're alone in the house and just feel like being loud... someone told me singing brings out happy hormones. So, sing, before you know it, you'd be a very happy person.
23. Give someone a big hug: now it would be too weird to go ask someone if you can hug them but what you can do is the next time you're hugging someone, give a sincere bear kind of hug...but don't linger too long lol. You will thank me for that as well.
24. Be silly: this encompasses so many like a toddler, watch something funny then laugh out loud, sing out of tune, send out silly jokes to your friends....just be sure it makes you feel silly...then you will be happy :)
25. Smile to a stranger: and last but definitely not least, smile. But not just at anyone...someone you don't know...if you receive a smile back, you will know you hit the jackpot! If you don't, try again! It's the best thing and you are guaranteed immediate happiness!

So, yap...25 normal things you can do for yourself to make you happy. And you don't even have to go to too much effort to do most of them... and like I said, there is no order to this list..just try one today then tomorrow like that like that. And you know what will make you feel even more accomplished, write this list down, stick it somewhere you can see and tick off everything you do. You will thank me later! :)

Thursday 5 May 2016

A Book, A Teddy and a Prayer Mat

Odd title you might say but I'll explain it to you in just a little bit. First, let me tell you how my week has been then you might understand. See, for the past one week I've been fussing over two presentations I had to do, so I did not sleep much up till yesterday. Needless to say, I think I did well despite the panic and fear that I wouldn't do it right. But three things made it easier... a book I recently read, my teddy and my prayer mat. See this semester has been absolutely tough but I found a way to cope by doing the one thing we are all afraid of doing...that's surrender. I'll take you through the relevance of each of these things then drive my point home.

A Book:

Ever read a book and thought...wooooaaaa! That was me when I read the book "In the Field of Grace" by Tessa Afshar. The story is one we might be familiar with because it's actually a bible story. That is the story of Ruth. Have you ever thought about how inspiring a story hers had to be for it to actually be in the Bible on its own. And might I add, she was Jesus great great....(many greats) grandmother. That thought profounds me. So Tessa transforms this simple story into something awesome...she adds just a touch of fiction to it but always taking you back to the actual story of the faith of one woman. This story always reminds me of how God can use someone so "small" to show His love and grace. God had a plan for Ruth, and a very important purpose to accomplish. She was just the right mix to complete it. She might have been a Moabite woman who didn't know the God her mother-in-law worshipped, but she showed the greatest step of faith by uttering the well known words, "where you will go, I will go; where you stay I will stay; your people will be my people; your God will be my God." And just for uttering those words, God did amazing things for her. I mean, how much more assurance of God's grace do you need? If God did it for Ruth, He will definitely do it for you, but you've got to ask and when God says trust!

A Teddy:

The minute I saw this cute flimsy-looking teddy, I knew I had to have it. I even named him Ben. But what I didn't know was how important it would end up being for me. Like everyone, we have seasons when we just don't know how things are going to work out, and you feel like you're constantly being pulled into this depressing place...that was me a few weeks ago. But one day I walked into this store and when I saw this brown teddy with the black and white stripped tee and brown shorts, I knew it was going home with me! And so during one of those moments when I needed cheering or comfort or just a 'bear' hug...Ben was there. And then something else came to me...Ben represented a "marker" in my know, something that helps you remember a certain experience. So I decided to use the name as an analogy to remind me of that low remember that God was with me and still is. So for B I decided would represent 'Believe in His Love... E represents...'Entrust Him with your life' and N represents...'Never doubt His grace.' And so every time I feel overwhelmed and weary, I just go to Ben and he reminds me that God loves me, that I can entrust Him with my life and that I should never ever doubt His grace!

A Prayer Mat:  

So, I recently watched an interesting movie. "I Am Gabriel" is a movie about how Angel Gabriel came in the form of a small boy to give hope to a hopeless community. The movie might be fictitious but the message delivered stayed with me. The "boy" arrived in this town carrying only a prayer mat. So he urged the people to constantly pray and God would redeem their town. So after making prayer mats, the town began to pray and that's right...miracles began to happen. So this made me have a long think about my prayer life and how if I had a prayer mat, it would always remind me to take time and pray and what better place to surrender to God than on your knees. And that's what I've been doing since then and I didn't need to go get an actual mat, I just used what I had and what seems to be a regular-looking piece of clothing represents so much more to me. And you know what, I believe it now more than ever that God does so much more when you go on your knees and surrender to Him.

So you see how just three regular-looking things could mean so much to me. Maybe you have one of these things or maybe you need one of these things. Maybe you might be going through a hard time, I suggest you surrender to God all these burdens and see what He will do for you. And remember... when it gets really hard... just remember to believe, entrust and never doubt! :)

Sunday 1 May 2016

Grace Did It For Me

Today I want to talk about grace. I guess you've all heard this word, but do we all know its meaning? As a Christian you would probably know what this means, but what if you're not a Christian and this means nothing to you? I want to begin by taking you back to the loss my family shared... What if like my family, you went through a horrific loss and someone was responsible for the hurt, would you so easily find it in your heart to forgive the one who committed that ghastly thing? Let me ask you this, would you do it without grace? I believe that the answer is a big no. And this would go for anyone who has lost a loved one in whatever circumstance...

Today, and by good chance I watched the movie, "Amish Grace" based on a true story that happened in October 2006. I don't know if you all know about this story that took the world by surprise; and it isn't really the killing of eight innocent children that shocked everyone, it's what they did when it happened.

A gunman stormed an Amish schoolhouse in Pennsylvania where he took hostage and shot eight out of the ten girls before himself committing suicide. Unbelievable isn't it? The movie is told in the eyes of a mother of one of the girls who could not at all find it in her heart to forgive the gunman while the rest of her community including her husband seemingly were able to. And they were not only willing to forgive but also to be reconciled even with the family of the murderer and to quote them.. "for they too had suffered a loss."

Let me pause there for a minute and let you reflect on that... here is a community standing on their belief that God asks us to forgive others because He forgives us too (Matthew 6:14, 15). And then there is a mother hurting desperately because she has lost her beloved daughter in the hands of a murderer. Wouldn't you also think that this mother was justified to not want to forgive? I think so...but what about her people, are they right by choosing to forgive this man who had done so much harm?

The answer lies in grace. What is grace... God's grace? Well,'s "the unmerited favor of God to those who do not deserve it." Ring a bell there? Isn't that what God Himself did for us more than two thousand years ago when he sent His Son to die for our sins that we may be reconciled back to Him? So basically, what those men and women of the Amish community were able to do is something that we are called to do because well, it was done for us and still is today. And what may you ask did they gain by forgiving such an "unforgivable" act? Well, I say, for one, by forgiving and this should not be confused for forgetting, they were able to have peace in their hearts for if they held a grudge on that man, the hate would consume their souls like it did him.

So now I guess you're beginning to understand how I and my family (and whoever else has faced such circumstances) were able to forgive this man who took away so much from us. We did it not with our own strength, for that is impossible...we just gave this hate and hurt all to him and surrendered to Him that He may be our avenger. And now many many days later, I remember how God's grace did it for us, and still does and His grace can do it for you too, you just need to ask of it.