Friday 13 May 2016

Living on Lists

Who here makes lists? Anybody? Well, I do. I make lists about many things. Things I've achieved, things I want to achieve, daily to-do lists, books I've read, movies I've watched, shopping lists...this list goes on and on. Maybe you're thinking you don't do this but you know, there's always a first time. And you know what makes me so so happy....when I make a list and get to tick off things from it. Or when I list out things I've done during the week... these are my accomplishments...and you know, they make me feel good about myself. And most of all, they remind me about how God has been with me through every step. If you know me, I have a mantra I go by, and that's "One Day At A Time" this can just be the same with lists,"One List At A Time." 

So, this week I was looking up things to do to make you happy (yes I google such things lol). Anyway, I found a great list! There are just those days when you're doing an assignment and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere, those are the times I just go online and do things like look up lists or quotes or stuff. And you know, sometimes you just have to find what makes you happy, because as this blog is about brokenness, we are everyday struck down by something we either did wrong, or something didn't go as we had we need or rather " I "need to make lists to remind myself how far I've come. So, this happiness list had a few things on them I liked, and I decided I'll add some more on there. So here is a list of 25 things to do that can make you happy or basically get you through a rough day, or any day:

1. Change your sheets: this gives you a very fluffy feeling of freshness and personally, I usually sleep better. So try this... even you gentlemen!
2. Smell something lovely: No this is not girly! Whether its a flower, fragrance or even a scented candle.
3. Get out in the sun: this is the best way to get you some much needed vitamin D and just smile at God's brilliance hehee...see what I did there :)
4. Find a moment of awe: I suggest you do this often. Look around will find something amazing...a child's laughter, God's awesome creation... 
5. Gratitude: just sit back whether its during the middle of the day, beginning or end of it and give thanks for what you will find how good it makes you feel.
6. Do something for someone else: whoever has ever given someone else a gift or just done something nice for someone can attest to how good it feels, its way better than doing something for yourself.
7. Take pictures: And no not a selfie! Take a picture of something other than yourself...of nature or something around you. You will thank me later.
8. Call someone: And not just for the sake of someone you haven't spoken to for a while or even someone you constantly chat with..just to ask how they are doing.. you will make someone else's day way more than if you texted.
9. Learn a new skill: Apparently there is a lot of online skill lessons so sign up for one...anything, you'd probably find it. The feeling of accomplishment is great.
10. Have chocolate: there's no better mood booster than chocolate! So look past the guilt, and do it!
11. Do something you loved to do as a child: now this you might have to do away with the embarrassing feelings and just do it..maybe you liked to eat food with your hands, or eat a lollipop or gum while making the pop sound or even better, watch a won't regret it.
12.  Add a burst of color: this is something that works all the time. Maybe you can buy a colorful painting or mug or colored socks or for the ladies, do your nails multi-colored! 
13. Take a walk: An evening walk is all you may need after a long day...small pleasures like the wind on your face...will definitely keep you smiling.
14. Get rid of things you don't need: As a self-proclaimed hoarder...things are just things that can be burnt in a fire...and when you think of it that way, you will be throwing stuff away a.s.a.p.
15. Take a nap: if you have the chance to do this, do it! It's the best...
16. Treat yourself: Again, forget the yourself that thing you've been eyeing, eat in a restaurant you've always wanted to, go watch that movie. Basically, take time off for yourself.
17. Talk to God: Now this doesn't mean do a usual prayer...just talk, like hold a conversation with Him. Maybe you can try my thing and go on your for me, and I always feel like am the most important person and God just stopped everything to listen. :)  
(Disclaimer: this is the most important thing you can ever do, and not the 17th...there is no order in doing this list..just pick one and do it)
18. Read an enriching book: And I specifically say this because sometimes we need enrichment in life, and the Grisham books won't do this for you (just an example, I think Grisham is great). Find a book that adds meaning to your life...something like the book I shared last week.
19. Listen to your favorite song: now my favorite might not be yours, but find that song you've been humming to all day or can't remember the lyrics to and just listen. You'd probably go on to listen to the entire playlist, doesn't will love that feeling.
20. Write: this is obviously not everyone's gift but if you can, just write something can be a blog like me or a journal, diary or poetry. Just think of something, and write it down. You will probably, like me, feel very good about putting your thoughts to paper.
21. Watch your favorite anything: it can be a comedy, a YouTube video, a short play, movie or even sports channel..just watch works for me. 
22. Sing your heart out: I think everyone can do certainly helps if you're alone in the house and just feel like being loud... someone told me singing brings out happy hormones. So, sing, before you know it, you'd be a very happy person.
23. Give someone a big hug: now it would be too weird to go ask someone if you can hug them but what you can do is the next time you're hugging someone, give a sincere bear kind of hug...but don't linger too long lol. You will thank me for that as well.
24. Be silly: this encompasses so many like a toddler, watch something funny then laugh out loud, sing out of tune, send out silly jokes to your friends....just be sure it makes you feel silly...then you will be happy :)
25. Smile to a stranger: and last but definitely not least, smile. But not just at anyone...someone you don't know...if you receive a smile back, you will know you hit the jackpot! If you don't, try again! It's the best thing and you are guaranteed immediate happiness!

So, yap...25 normal things you can do for yourself to make you happy. And you don't even have to go to too much effort to do most of them... and like I said, there is no order to this list..just try one today then tomorrow like that like that. And you know what will make you feel even more accomplished, write this list down, stick it somewhere you can see and tick off everything you do. You will thank me later! :)

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