Wednesday 21 September 2016

Lessons from Michelle McKinney Hammond's Series on Getting Past Disappointment and Finding Hope

Today's post is mostly for the bear with me gentlemen. So, have any of you ladies ever heard of Michelle McKinney Hammond? Well, let me introduce you to her... she is the woman who has inspired today's blog post. She is also a best selling author of over 40 books, an inspirational speaker, singer and a television presenter. She runs her own ministry and did I mention she has
African roots! Anyway, you might wonder what more could I possibly say about a much accomplished person as her...right? Actually, there's lots.

I got to learn about Michelle when I recently took to listening to a six part series DVD that she had spoken to women about "How to Get Past Disappointment: Finding Hope". These 6 thirty minute sessions were enough to learn that Michelle is God's messenger to women in the modern day. In the DVDs, she used the story of the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4: 1-42) and brought it to life! I just loved it...I couldn't wait to share it with someone! So, here are a few lessons I got from the series. 

1. God allows us to come to the end of ourselves in distress to replace our hopes and desires with Himself.
-The woman at the well was broken and Jesus came to renew her. There was only one way to go from there, and it was to Him. 

2. God will never demand from you what He will not supply.
-Jesus told the woman to give her water but instead, He gave her His living water.

3. One life can change countless others.
-God used a Samaritan woman to proclaim the Messiah...He can use anyone.

4. Worship is pouring out your love to the fulfillment of joy and peace.
-Worship means: prayer, praise & worship, faith and obedience.
-Obedience is the highest form of worship.
-True worship reflects God.
-Prayer is a two way conversation with and not at God.

5. God cannot address what we won’t confess.
- The woman had to confess so that she could be freed from her burdens.

6. Whatever you’re looking for is in ‘I AM’.
- The woman had had five husbands and she still did not feel whole. Jesus is the only one who makes us whole.

7. Find something to celebrate that becomes your favorite benchmark and let it be your altar.
- The Samaritan woman found her altar in proclaiming what Jesus had done for her. Her disappointments became her testimony.

The overall lesson to be learnt from the story of the woman at the well is that God allows us to be disappointed by others to remind us that we are in need of Him. It always amazes me that John dedicated several verses to speak on the Samaritan woman. No doubt he felt her story would help bring lost souls to God, just like they did before. Maybe you can go back and read that chapter, maybe you can find something that will give you hope :)

PS: This series is based on her book, "How to Get Past Disappointment: Finding Hope"
Learn more about her here:

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