Last week I began by talking about how Dory gave me the inspiration to go back to writing. And if you truly are a Dory fan, you were overjoyed when 13 years since Finding Nemo, Finding Dory was born. Truth is Finding Nemo wouldn't have had the impact it had if it weren't for Dory. Isn't it interesting that she, a fish suffering from short term memory loss could give us so much to think about. I couldn't help but notice all the wise words being thrown around the movie... I wished I had a pad and pen right there in the cinema... but thank God for the internet, I found some of those quotes. And so that's what I want to share about....some Dory wisdom. (PS: a little spoiler if you haven't watched Finding Dory, please do.)

We were introduced to this classic meme in Finding Nemo and in Finding Dory, we find out...her parents sing it too! So it was just a matter of time till it inspired everyone. It's the simplest life lesson really, when you encounter hardship, just like Dory, keep going. Basically, never give up!
2. When something is too hard, there is always another way:
These wise words were said by Charlie, Dory's Dad. Quite amazing actually, because it really sums up what our attitude to life should be. Life sometimes throws us curve balls and we feel like we just might suffocate, but truth is, there is always another way out, just breathe and figure it out!
3. What Would Dory Do?:
4. You can do whatever you put your mind to:
These words were spoken by Jenny, Dory's mum to Dory when she followed the shells back home. An impossible task really, because just before she did, she was lost. But she did as Dory always does, she decided she was going to find her way home. I especially like how she made decisions... (I'll let you find out how she did this). This right here is my favorite meme... it reminds me that anything however impossible is possible to do if you want to do it.
5. The best things happen by chance:

Hope you've learnt something worth using in life. And as always, think, 'what would Dory do?'
Your Fellow Dory Fan,
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